The Chosen S4E4 – a quick round-up
Links to some things I've written about Jesus getting nostalgic, the disciples jockeying for status, and when, exactly, Jesus was baptized in the timeline of this show.

The Chosen Season 4 Episode 4 starts streaming tonight, so here’s a quick round-up of some of the things I’ve already written about this episode.
In October, a sneak peek at a scene in which Jesus reminisces with Thaddaeus and Little James about the early days of their movement got me wondering: When, exactly, was Jesus baptized in the timeline of this show—before or after he called these two disciples?
In December, I analyzed another scene from this episode (which is no longer online) in which Jesus and the disciples react to Big James and John’s request for special status in Jesus’ future kingdom.
In January, I asked series creator Dallas Jenkins and actors Paras Patel and Noah James if the scenes of Jesus and the disciples looking back at the early days of their movement reflected how the filmmakers were looking back at the early days of The Chosen. I also spoke to actor Abe Bueno-Jallad about the scene in which his character, Big James, asks for special status among the disciples.
I also made the scene of Jesus reminiscing with Thaddaeus and Little James the hook for an article that was posted at Christianity Today in early February.
And, that about covers it for now.
I meant to write some notes on Episodes 4-6 while they were still playing in theatres back in February, but certain things in my life interrupted me while I was about halfway through that project. I hope to get back to it soon, though.
In the meantime, you can watch another scene from the episode here:
And you can watch a new trailer for the episode here:
The episode itself will be livestreamed tonight at 5:30pm PT / 8:30pm ET, here:
June 24 update: I have added a second scene from this episode, which I discovered on Dallas Jenkins’ personal YouTube channel after writing the original version of this post.
The Chosen interviews:
Season 1: Dallas Jenkins, co-writer/director (Dec 2019)
Season 2: Dallas Jenkins, co-writer/director (May 2021) | Derral Eves, producer, on Christmas with The Chosen: The Messengers (Nov 2021) | Dallas Jenkins on the ‘The Chosen Is Not Good’ marketing campaign (Apr 2022)
Season 3: Jordan Walker Ross, Little James (Oct 2022) | Vanessa Benavente, Mother Mary (Nov 2022) | Kirk B.R. Woller, Gaius (Nov 2022)
Season 4: Dallas Jenkins, Jonathan Roumie, Abe Bueno-Jallad, Vanessa Benavente, Yasmine Al-Bustami, and Brandon Potter at the press junket; Reza Diako, Alaa Safi, and Elijah Alexander on the teal carpet (Feb 2024) | Paras Patel and Noah James at the press junket; producers Chad Gundersen and Chris Juen on the teal carpet (Feb 2024)
The Chosen recaps:
Season 1: review | scripture index
Episode recaps: The Shepherd | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eightSeason 2: The Messengers review | scripture index
Episode recaps: one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | The MessengersSeason 3: Episodes 1 & 2 notes | Episodes 7 & 8 notes | scripture index
Episode recaps: one | episodes two to eight are still in the worksSeason 4: Episodes 1-3 notes
The Chosen can be streamed via the show’s official app (Android | Apple).