Watch: The second trailer for House of David
In which David's heart is compared to a roaring lion and a deep fire.
This is it—the week that Prime Video releases the first three episodes of its “faith-based” Bible series House of David. The episodes themselves will arrive on Thursday, and in the meantime, Prime Video has released a new trailer for the series.
You can watch the trailer here:
In this video, among other things…
David walks into a cave with a torch.
David’s father Jesse says David’s heart “is like a deep fire, set strong, unbroken,” and Samuel says this is the reason David was chosen.
David says he wants a place with the king’s warriors, and his older brother Eliab says David is a poet and a shepherd but “not a man of blood”. (David might not be a man of blood yet, but he will be soon—so much so that God will tell him he can’t build the Temple because he has so much blood on his hands; I Chronicles 22:8.)
David shows off his accuracy with the sling.
Achish meets with the other Philistine kings and says their “gods”—i.e. the giants—will go before them in their war against the Israelites.
Goliath stomps a puny human.
Samuel says, “David, you have the heart of a lion. What do lions do? They roar!”
Goliath calls on the Israelites to send him their champion. David responds.
The first three episodes of House of David will premiere this Thursday, February 27, on Prime Video. The next five episodes will come out weekly until April 3.
Previous videos for House of David:
A clip of For King + Country performing ‘40’ in Nashville (December 20, 2024)
The first trailer (January 30, 2025)
The full version of For King + Country’s cover of ‘40’ (February 10, 2025)